APT Tournament Rules

The Asian Poker Tour utilises the 2024 Tournament Directors Association’s Rules for its tournaments and events. In addition, the below rules will also be implemented:

Electronic Devices and Communication – Clarification

For the avoidance of doubt, the term Electronic Device includes, but is not limited to, the following devices, both known and unknown. Electronic Devices are not permitted to be placed on the playing surface (i.e. Felt) at any time, without specific permission from the Asian Poker Tour. Players are allowed to place items on the rail but the APT reserves the right to ask for the removal of any devices from the table at their sole discretion.

To re-emphasize TDA Rule #5 - Use of electronic devices while in a hand is not allowed and may incur a penalty.

  • The use of solvers or any form of real time assistance (RTA) while in a hand is not allowed and may incur a penalty.

Phones, tablets and laptops - Players may use these devices (aside from taking calls) at the table, however not while in a hand. 

Facebook, Twitch, YouTube, etc. - The use of Apps or any other type of broadcast capability to broadcast the tournament while in play is not allowed. Recording for later transmission requires direct permission from the Asian Poker Tour.

  • The comfort of other players at the table is paramount. With permission, you may record your own cards and your own play, but you may not set up cameras in locations that give them the capability of recording other player’s hole cards.

There will be no electronic devices permitted on any streaming tables.

Number of Players:

All “full-ring” APT tournaments are designed to be played 8-handed but are only guaranteed to be 8-handed a minimum of 1 table from the money bubble. APT reserves the right to play 9-handed or more at their discretion. This does not impact games where the cards limit the number of players (such as 6-card Omaha).

Non-Smoking Rule

Players are not allowed to smoke in the tournament area, violating this rule may result in a penalty.

Players caught smoking at the table will receive a penalty.

E-cigarettes are subject to venue rules.

Late Registrants

Late players being seated into an open seat after the start of a tournament/satellite will receive a full stack and will be dealt in immediately if possible.

Determining the Button

At the start of the tournament and all redraws the button will be determined by high carding at a single table which will apply to the field.


All Events will redraw at the final table only with the following exceptions.

  • Redraws are done at the end of a playing day or flight.

APT Main Event will redraw at 3 tables, 2 tables, and the final table. The 3 table and/or 2 table redraw can be skipped if an end-of-day redraw was done within 50% of the 3/2 table redraw number (i.e. <29 for 3 tables and <21 for 2 tables).

Streamed High Roller events paying 16 or more players will redraw at 3 tables and the final table. Less than 16 will redraw only at the final table.

Breaking Order

Live streamed events will follow a tradition breaking order that is determined by the Tournament Director down to a final table.

All other tournaments will follow a tradition breaking order that is determined by the Tournament Director down to the final 5 tables. At that point, tables will be randomly broken with the use of cards that are drawn by a player in the event.

Hand for Hand Play

All tournaments with a level time equal or greater than 20 minutes will have 2 minutes deducted for every hand dealt. Floor’s discretion to deduct more or less time per hand due to speed of play.

All tournaments with a level time of less than 20 minutes will have 1 minute deducted for every hand dealt. Floor’s discretion to deduct more or less time per hand due to speed of play.

Players are requested to stay at their tables during hand for hand play.

Players should not reveal their hand in an “All in and Call” situation until requested by the Tournament Director.

Best Stack Forward and Forfeit Formats:

Best Stack Forward – Unless specifically exempted within the Tournament Mechanics on the website, players that qualify to “Day 2” (or its equivalent) from a previous starting Flight, either Live or OnLive, may re-enter a new starting Flight.

Best Stack Forward – Players qualifying with multiple stacks to “Day 2” (or its equivalent) will only play their largest stack. Other stacks will be removed from play at the start of “Day 2” (or its equivalent), and if ITM was reached, receive a min-cash from the event.

Forfeit – Players are allowed to forfeit their stack before the close of registration to re-enter.

Seats Won Through Satellites Hosted by the APT

All seats won through satellites hosted by the Asian Poker Tour are non-transferable and must be played.

Players that win multiple seats will have their additional seats paid out in cash (where applicable) or tournament credit towards APT events during that Festival only.

Shot Clocks and Time Banks

For all tournaments with 15-minute levels or less, time banks and shot clocks are 15 seconds. All other tournaments have 30 second shot clocks and time banks.

For all events that have shot clocks introduced as they approach the money bubble, players will receive 2 time banks when shot clocks start and will receive another time bank at every scheduled break, including overnight breaks.

  • Once the bubble has burst, all players will receive an additional 2 time banks.
  • For tournaments that end play for the day upon reaching the money, players will receive an additional 2 time banks, inclusive of the overnight break time bank.

For any events that have shot clocks introduced from the start, players will receive 2 time banks when they enter the tournament and will receive another time bank at every scheduled break, including overnight breaks.

For any non-Turbo event with High Roller (including SuperStar’s) in the name, players begin with 3 time banks and will receive another time bank at every scheduled break, including overnight breaks.

It is the player’s responsibility to bag all their remaining time bank chips at the end of the day. Tournament Director discretion will apply if time banks are not bagged correctly.


Players who enter a tournament that is streamed in any way are required to cooperate with the production crew. This specifically includes showing your hole cards to the card reader on the table when requested. Failure to do so may result in a penalty.

Players at streaming tables may not leave their seats and go to the rail while they have live cards if any actions are pending.

  • Called all-ins with cards up, players are allowed to go to their rails as all possible action has concluded.

Tournament Deals

Deals are allowed in all tournaments provided the tournament has reached the Final Table. 

  • Multi-table deals are not allowed.
  • Satellite deals (i.e. paying the bubble) are not allowed.

Approximately 10% of the remaining funds, minus a min-cash for all players, must be left to play for if players wish to play for the trophy.

  • Example - $700K remaining, with $400K, $200K, $100K as the prizes.
  • All 3 players receive $100K for “3rd place” as a minimum prize.
  • This leaves $400K in remaining funds, 10% of which is $40K.
  • This means players must leave approximately $40K to play for if they wish to continue the tournament post deal.
  • These ~$40K in funds are not required to be winner-take-all but can be allocated if all parties agree.

For all streamed events, the tournament must play to a conclusion and award the trophy, therefore players must leave approximately 10% (as described above) to play for.

For all non-streamed events, deals distributing the entire prize pool will end the tournament with the trophy going to the player with the current chip lead.

Once a deal has been agreed upon, all players must sign the deal sheet, affirming the deal.

Once a deal has been agreed upon, levels in the tournament will be reduced by up to 50% with a minimum of 15 minutes. Tournaments with 15 minutes or less will maintain their existing levels.


For Covid related issues players can reach out to us via registrations@apt.poker.